How to Write a Discussion

The Secret to writing the Perfect Discussion

 - Free Online Course -


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  1. Register with the EXACT name that you want to appear in your certificate.
  2. If you're new to our virtual campus, use your email address as your username (this will help you in  case you need to recover your password).

This is what you'll see at registration:

Here's a small sample of the MS Word Discussion Templates included in the course with Certificate

 Free Course
(Limited to 200 students)
Sept. 5th-12th
+Four Video-Lessons
+Course Evaluation
Register (FREE)

 Course with Certificate
Sept. 5th-27th
+Four Video-Lessons
+Course Evaluation

+ Language and structure review of your research question-answer combination
+Slides of all Video-lessons in PDF format
+A collection of model papers with PERFECT Discussions
+ Course certificate (4 hours)
+Extended course access (3 weeks)
+Fillable Word templates for writing the Perfect Discussion of hypothesis-testing papers, methods papers, and descriptive papers


+ FREE Access to the micro-courses:

 1.- "¿Cómo elegir una revista científica para mi artículo científico?" - Includes Certificate (1h.)
2.- "Del primer borrador a la publicación de mi artículo científico-Consejos prácticos"- Includes Certificate (1h.)
Register 8,30€
(15€ after Sept. 11th)
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